  • 总算晓得关于校园生活英语对话

    1 关于校园生活 英语 对话

    A: If that man gives me any more letters to type I'll scream. He's given me ten already today, and there'll be more when I get back from coffee. I'll be here till midnight.


    B: Simmer down, Franny. He can't make you stay after five.

    C: Sure, francs. Finish what you can, and leave the rest for Minday.

    A: But they're important letters, Joe. They should go out tonight.

    C: That's not your worry. If they're that urgent, he should've given them to you earlier.

    B: Joe's right, Fran. You won't catch him staying in the office after five on a Friday. He's got better things to do.


    Scream 大叫大嚷(要做某事)

    Simmer down 别激动

    Make you stay 要你留下

    You won't catch him-he would never








    A: Morning, Joe. You're late, aren't you?

    B: Sure I'm late. Bob walked off with my raincoat, and I missed my bus, and I had to stand in the rain for twenty minutes waiting for the next one.

    A: Well, don't bite my head off. I was just trying to be nice. It isn't my fault if you got up on the wrong side of the bed.

    B: Look, Frances, I'm sorry, but today isn't my day. I've got three day's

    Work on my desk and a dozen letters to get out by tomorrow.

    A: I'm not criticizing you, Joe. I'll be good. I won't speak to you until the day after tomorrow.

    B: Okay, that's fine with me.


    Walked off with 顺手牵羊拿走)

    Bite my head off-speak angrily (冲着我发脾气)

    Got up on the wrong side of the bed-began the day in a bad mood (一澡起来情绪不好)








    A: Joe, have you seen my umbrella? My rubbers are here in the hall closet, but the umbrella's disappeared.

    B: Don't ask me. I wouldn't be caught dead with an umbrella.

    A: Well, it isn't here, and a raincoat's too hot. Maybe I left it on campus. I'll just borrow your coat. Don't work too hard. Goodbye.

    B: Hey, Bob. What'll I wear to work? Hey, Ahhh, he's gone. Well, I'll have another cup of coffee. Maybe the sun'll come out.



    Rubbers 套鞋

    I wouldn't be caught dead with an umbrella-I don't like to be seen with an umbrella(这是一句习惯用语,be caught dead with的意思是:被人发现有…)

    A:乔,你看见我的雨伞了吗? 我的套鞋在客厅的壁橱里,但雨伞不见了。

    B:别问我。 我从不愿别人看到我手里拿着一把伞。

    A:嗯,可是这里还是没有, 穿雨衣又太热。也许我忘在校园里了。我就借你的雨衣吧。别工作得那么卖力。 再见。

    B:嗨,我穿什么去上班? 嗨, 唉唉,他走了。好吧,我再来一杯咖啡,也许太阳就要出来。


    A: Yesterday I started job hunting.

    B: Oh, Did you have any luck?

    A: I haven't found a job yet.

    B: What kind of work are you looking for?

    A: I thought maybe I could get into someone's training program. The books all say that industry needs college people with a general education, but none of the personnel officers who interviewed me seemed to have read those books. They all wanted people who could do specific things. I suppose the books are right, but maybe there are more people with liberal educations looking for jobs, and there probably aren't as many of those jobs available anyway.


    Job hunting 寻找工作

    Personnel officers 人事官员

    Liberal education (大学)文科教育




