  • 总算领会免税店英语

      常用句型   Her goods exceeded the duty-free allowance.   她的货品超出了免税的限额。
      That's why a lot of people buy cigarettes here.   这就是有很多人在这里买烟的原因。
      I'm picking some presents for my children and wife.   我要给我的孩子和妻子挑选一些礼物。
      In this duty-free shop, your total expenditure cannot be over $200.   在这个免税商店,您的总消费不能超过200美元。
      I can also recommend you the brand of Sunflower.   我也可以给您推荐葵花牌。
      That's unbelievable. Is it fake?   这太让人难以置信了,它是假的吗?
      Will you fill out this customs declaration form?   请你填写这份关税申报单好口驴
      Would you please tell me the exchange rate today?   能告诉我今夭的外汇兑换率吗?
      He was fined 200 pounds.   他被罚款200英镑。
    [图片0]   实用词汇   free 免(税)的   allowance 限额   charge (向…)收费   liquor 酒   cigarette 香烟   pick 挑选   expenditure 消费额   recommend 推荐   fake 假的;伪造的   exchange rate 汇率   fine 对…处以罚款   brand 品牌   customs service area 海关申报处   currency 货币   traveler's check 旅行支票   over 超过   unbelievable 令人难以置信的   dutiable (货物)应缴税的   currency exchange shop外币兑换店