  • 终于明了去机场英语怎么说



    A: We are going on a trip tomorrow. How will you get to the airport? B: My friend will pick me up. How about you? A: I don't know. I'm just worrying about it. B: Why don't you take a taxi? A: The airport is too far away from my home. It would cost too much. B: How about taking the airport bus? A: What is the fare? B: about 20 to 30 yuan. A: That's great! Where can I get the bus? B: There is a station near the Civil Aviation Hotel. A: Do you know how often the bus runs? B: about every 30 minutes. A: Thank you for telling me this. See you tomorrow. B: See you tomorrow.


    A:明天就要去旅行了。你怎么去机场? B:我朋友会送我去。你呢? A:我不知道。正发愁呢。 B:为什么不打车去? A:机场离我家太远了。打车会很贵。 B:那么坐机场大巴呢? A:车票多少钱啊? B:大概20到30元吧。 A:那不错。在哪儿能坐大巴? B:在民航酒店附近就有站点。 A:你知道多长时间一趟吗? B:大概每半个小时一趟。 A:谢谢你告诉我这个。明天见。 B:明天见。
    以上就是韦博英语为您分享的去机场英语怎么说,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到韦博英语。 [图片1]