  • 总算懂得丢失行李用英语怎么说



    A: Would you tell me where I can get my baggage? B: Just follow the “Baggage Claim” sign. A: Thank you. B: Don't mention it.(after a while) A: I can't find my baggage. Could you please check it? C: How many pieces of baggage have you lost? A: I lost one piece. It is a mediumsized black leather suitcase with my name tag on the top. C: Please wait a moment while we are checking. A: How can my suitcase be lost? C: We are very sorry. Will you please fill in the Lost Baggage Form? We will inform you as soon as we find your suitcase. A: How soon will you find it? C: I can't promise you anything now. We have to make an inquiry to the related staff. A: If you can't find my suitcase. I will claim compensation from your company for my loss. C: Don't worry. We will get this done as soon as possible.


    A:请问我在哪儿能领取行李? B:跟随“行李提取处”的标示走就行。 A:谢谢。 B:不用谢。(过了一会儿) A:我找不到我的行李,能帮我查一下吗? C:你丢了几件行李? A:一件,是中型的黑色皮箱,上面有我的姓。 C:我们正在查询,请稍等。 A:我的旅行箱怎么会丢了呢? C:真的很抱歉。麻烦填写这张行李丢失登记表。一旦找到行李,我们会立刻通知你。 A:你们多久能找到? C:我现在无法向你确保。我们要咨询相关的工作人员。 A:如果你们找不到我的行李。我将向贵公司要求赔偿我的损失。 C:别担心。我们一定尽快解决这件事。 以上就是韦博英语为您分享的丢失行李用英语怎么说,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到韦博英语。 [图片1]