  • 总算晓得预约的士英语对话



    A: I'm going to catch a flight tomorrow. How shall I go to the airport? B: What time are you leaving? A: At 6 o'clock in the morning. B: There isn't any bus at that time,right? A: I think so. B: You can take a taxi. A: Will it cost a lot of money? B: It costs about 15 dollars. I think it's affordable. A: It's too early. What if I fail to get a taxi? B: Don't worry. It will never happen. You can make a reservation. A: OK. I'll take a taxi. Do you have the telephone number of the taxi company? B: You can use the app to reserve it. A: I've reserved it. So I'm going to hit the hay. B: Good night.


    A:我明天要赶飞机。我应该怎么去机场? B:你明天几点走啊? A:早上六点。 B:那个时间没有公交车吧? A:我想没有。 B:你可以打车。 A:要花很多钱吗? B:大概需要15美元。我觉得这个价钱可以接受。 A:太早了。我打不到出租车怎么办? B:不用担心。这不会发生的。你可以订车。 A:好的,我就打车了。你有出租车公司的电话吗? B:你可以用这款软件预订。 A:订好了。那我去睡觉了。 B:晚安。
    以上就是韦博英语为您分享的预约的士英语对话,既然要学英语,就把青春托付给值得信任的机构,欢迎来到韦博英语。 [图片1]