  • 终于明白日常饮食英语

      常用句型   Do you have a seafood allergy?   你对海鲜过敏吗?
      Strawberry is my favorite fruit.   草毒是我喜欢吃的水果。
      How would you like the beef?   你想怎么料理牛肉呢?
      I'm a vegetarian, so I'm thin.   因为我是家食主义者。所以瘦。
      Eating cauliflower is beneficial to our health.   吃花椰菜对身体好。
      I have a stomachache so I reject cold drinks.   我的胃不好,所以我排斤喝冷饮。
      Could I have extra ketchup?   我可以再要点番茄酱吗,
    [图片0]   French fries are so bad for our health   薯条对我们身体有害。
      Chinese people like eating dumpling.   中国人喜欢吃饺子。
      Many foreigners aren't able to use chopsticks.   好多老外都不会用筷子。
      Today's breakfast is a sandwich with an egg.   今天的早餐是一个加鸡蛋的三明治。
      Don't eat too much dessert if you want to keep on a diet.   如果你想保持身材的话就不要吃太多的甜食。
      I would like a chocolate donut and a cup of coffee.   我想要一个巧克力甜甜圈和一杯咖啡。
      Doing exercise regularly will keep us healthy.   定期做运动能保持身体健康。
      The Sanitary condition is appalling.   卫生条件很恶劣。
      经典词汇   casual 随意的   thin 瘦的   cauliflower 花椰菜,菜花   strawberry 草莓   seafood 海鲜   shrimp 虾   beef 牛肉   onion 洋葱   mutton Cmntn 羊肉   wontonr混沌   porridge 粥   dessert 甜点   pie 派   donut 甜甜圈   toast 吐司