  • 终于晓得租借用英语怎么说

      租借 Rent   常用句型   Have you occupied this flat?   你已租下这套公寓了吗?
      The Landlord represents and warrants the said premises shall be ready and available for possession by the tenant on the commencement date.   出租方申明并确保在租赁期限的开始日期将出租房屋准备就绪并交给承租方入住。
      Toward the suburb the houses begin to thin out.   靠近市郊的地方房屋渐渐稀少。
      He treated his friends in his country cottage.   他在他的乡间别墅款待了他的朋友们。
    [图片0]  实用词汇   cottage (度假用的)别墅   suburb  郊区;边缘   rent 出租;租用;租借   courtyard  庭院,院子   layout  布局;设计;安排;陈列   furniture 家具;设备   apartment 公寓;房间   tenant 承租人;房客   introduce 介绍   landlord 房东,老板