  • 总算理解景点的英语怎么说

      常用句型   The pavilion on the hill looks down on the river.   从山上的亭子可俯瞰河面。
      The lofty pagoda stands like a giant at the top of the mountain.   巍巍宝塔如巨人般屹立在山巅 .
      It took us a week to trek to the foot of the mountain.   我们花了一星期才跋涉到山脚。
      The waterfall rasped away the rock   瀑布冲磨掉岩石。
      The canyon is famous for producing echoes.   这个峡谷以回声而闻名。
      Water flushed through the pipes.   水从管子奔流而过。
      We saw the canoe overturn, throwing its passengers into the water.   我们看到独木舟倾覆了,将乘客掀入水中。
    [图片0]  实用词汇   pagoda 塔;佛塔   cliffy 陡峭的;多悬崖的   chain 链条   foot 山脚;下部   peak 山峰;高点;顶点   pavilion 阁;亭子   ghat 山路;河边的石梯   zigzag 曲折的;锯齿形的;之字形的   flush 奔涌   rock 岩石   canoe 独木舟;轻舟   canyon 峡谷   waterfall 瀑布