  • 终于领会职业装英文

      professional dressing 职业装   1 business shirt商务衬衫   2 formal wear正装   3 company culture公司文化   4 tie 领带   5 uniform 制服
      有关工作服装的表示;   formal wear正装   formal clothes正装   work clothes工作服   labour suit工作服
    [图片0]   单词延伸   1 business shirt   T-shirt T恤   sports shirt运动衫   blouse 女士上衣   jacket 夹克
      2 formal wear   waist coat西服背心   tuxedo 燕尾服   work suit工作服
      3 company culture   management 管理;管理人员   office culture办公室文化   image 形象   atmosphere 气氛
      4 tie   tie clip领带夹   business suit西装   suit pants西裤   suit 套装
      5 uniform   formal 正式的.正式的社交活动;夜礼服   overall 工装裤   briefcase 公文包   folder 文件夹
      语境记忆   You must wear your business shirt for the departmental meeting.   部门会议上你必须穿着商务衬衫。
      T-shirts now seem popular among youngsters.   T恤衫现在在年轻人中间特别流行。
      Put on your sports shi比and we'll go to play football.   穿上你的运动衫,咱们去踢足球。
      You have to dry-clean that blouse.   你必须干洗那件短上衣。
      I am looking for a black leather jacket.   我想买一件黑色皮夹克。
      The man in the waist coat is our manager.   穿西服背心的人是我们的经理。
      I prefer to wear tuxedo.   我喜欢穿燕尾服。
      Have I told you how amazing you look in this tuxedo?   我告诉过你穿这件燕尾服看起来很棒吗?
      I need to wear work suit on the weekday.   工作日我们要穿工作服。