  • 总算知晓商业广告英语怎么说

    Our business has slackened a lot in the last five you use your advertising to drum up some business? 我们的业务在近五个月以来比较清淡,能否凭借你的广告来促进一下业务? extensive advertising has saved many firms from the verge of bankruptcy. 没问题。我们做的广告很好,曾使好几家濒临破产的公司得以复生。 What kind of advertising will you do for us? 你能为我们做哪种广告? Many can announce your superior quality through mass media including radio, TV, or newspaper; we can print it on posters and send them to citizens by direct mail; we can imprint it on thousands and thousands of ceramic mugs and caps. All these will creat a large market for your products. 种类很多。我们可以通过收音机、电视、报纸等大众传媒来提升你公司的影响;我们可以把广告直接邮寄给市民;我们还可以把广告打在许多陶瓷杯和帽子上。这些广告可以为你的产品创造很大的市场。 How much must we pay for such advertising? 做这些广告需要多少费用? Not very cost depends on the media you' re using. A truck door sign, for example, will cost only 70 000 yuan a month that includes the fee for design and cost of materials. 不太多,成本依媒体而定,比如车门广告,一个月是7万元,这项费用包括设计费和材料费。 My goodness, such a high charge!I didn' t know that advertising is such a profitable think I' ll transfer from my line of work to yours. 老天,好贵啊!没想到广告业这么好赚钱,我想我要改行投身你们的广告业了。 Yon' re welcome!欢迎啦! 以上就是美联在线英语小编为大家整理的商业广告英语怎么说,学习之所以难以坚持,有时仅仅因为计划没有变化快:会议取消、约会提前、行程更改... 我们打破“至少提前24小时订课”的行业惯例,让学员迟可于课前4小时订课/退课,更有推荐课程,可随时订随时上。让你真正以不变应万变。
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