  • 终于懂得拜访客户英文

      visiting clients 拜访客户   1 pay a visit参观;访问,拜访   2 client [经]客户;顾客;委托人   3 product 产品;结果   4 arrange 安排;排列;整理.安排;排列;协商   5 appreciate 欣赏;感激领会鉴别.增值涨价
      记忆点拨   有关visit的常用词组;make a visit参观;visit with见一面;与……闲谈;state visit国事访问;visit on(坏事)降临; return visit回访,复诊;on a visit在访问中;inspectionvisit查访;参观访问等。
    [图片0]   单词延伸   1 pay a visit   visit 访问;参观;逗留 v.访问;参观;视察   call on访问,拜访   come round拜访   drop in II&便走访
      2 client   clientele 客户;诉讼委托人   customer 顾客;家伙   clientage 委托关系;委托人   reception 接待;接收;招待会
      3 product   workshop 车间;研讨会   produce 农产品,产品   manufacture 制造;产品;制造业   producer 制作人,制片人;生产者
      4 arrange   schedule 安排,计划;编制目录   settle 解决;安排;使……定居   arranger 编曲者,曲作家   plan 计划;设计;打算
      5 appreciate   enjoy 欣赏,享受;喜爱   admire 欣赏   appreciatory 欣赏的;有鉴赏力的;感激的   appreciator 鉴赏者;了解真价者
      语境记忆   I am going to pay a visit to Tokyo.   我要去东京旅游。
      In the evenings friends would visit.   晚上朋友们会来拜访。
      Sofia was intending to call on her uncle.   索菲娅打算去拜访她的叔叔。
      But then they started asking if they could come round and see the animals.   但是之后他们开始问我是不是可以来看看那些动物们。
      Why not drop in for a chat?   为何不顺道过来聊聊?
      The client left his visiting card on the desk.   客户将自己的名片留在桌上。