  • 终于清楚职业的英语怎么说

      occupation 职业,占领   1 boss 老板,主管   2 businessman 商人   3 lawyer 律师   4 designer 设计师   5 editor 编辑;(影片等的)编导
      记忆点拨   occupation指在工商行业或机构中的一些类似的工作(相当于jobs)。   enterprise是指值得个人投注一生精力,以获得大实现可能性的生涯目标。
    [图片0] 单词延伸
      1 boss.   manager 经理   conductor 售票员;导体;领导者,管理人   executive 行政的;执行者,行政长官,董事   director 董事,经理,主管,指导者,导演
      2 businessman   dealer 商人   trader 交易者;商人   secretary 秘书   salesman 推销员,业务员
      3 lawyer   solicitor 法务官   justice 正义,正当,公平;正确;司法,审判.   court 法院;庭院;宫廷   succeed 成功,完成;继承,继任
      4 designer   sculptor 雕刻家   painter 画家,绘画者,油漆匠   specialist 专家   translator 翻译员
      5 editor   writer 作者,作家   reporter 记者,新闻记者   novelist 小说家   newscast 新闻广播
      语境记忆   He carried on several occupations at a time.   他同时从事几种职业。
      I asked my boss for a holiday.   我向老板申请度假。
      She has long been hoping to become the assistant manager.   她很久以来就想当经理助理。
      A good executive usually gets on well with people.   一个好的高级管理人员通常与人们相处得很好。
      I am a member of the board of directors.   我是董事会成员。
      A wealthy businessman has stood bail for him.   一位富商为他做了确保人。
      The trader was truthful and without deceit.   这位商人很可信,童史无欺。
      It takes a new secretary one month to break in.   新来的秘书要一个月的时间熟悉工作。
      The salesman showed her nearly all the hats in the shop.   这位售货员几乎把店里的帽子都拿给她看了。
      Vera is studying law because she wants to become a lawyer.   维拉正在学习法律,因为她想当律师。