  • 终于明了礼仪用英语怎么说

    It is said that manners can be quite different from country to country. Is that true, Diana?


    Yes, Chen. When you go to a strange country you' d better learn something about its customs and manners first. You must know what is polite and what is impolite.


    A foreigner is often puzzled by the greeting among our Chinese people. In China, when people meet, we often ask each other “Where are you going?” or “Have you had your meal?”


    Yes. It often puzzled me.


    What about in your country?


    In England, the topic is usually about the weather. You can talk about weather to anybody at any time. So it is a good topic to begin a conversation.


    We like to ask others about their ages and salaries. Is it polite or impolite?


    It' s impolite. English people do not ask about the ages and salaries of others. So, you' d better not ask “How old are you?”especially not to a woman. Don' t try to shake hands with a woman unless she puts out her hand first.


    Some people say that reactions to praise are quite different.


    Yes, when someone tells you “Your English is very good.”,you are expected to say “Thank you.” If your reply is “No, my English is poor.” or “Not at all.”You will make the speaker feel rather awkward.

    是的,当有人说你“你英语讲得非常好”时,期待你能说“谢谢”。如果你的回答是:“不,我英语讲得不好”或“根本不行”,你会让讲话老外到相当尴尬。 美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。