  • 总算知晓给小费英语怎么说


    Hu, what do you do about tipping in China?胡,在中国你们怎样给小费? We don' t.我们不给小费。 No tipping?不给小费? Yes. At hotels and some restaurants they add a service charge to the bill, but other than that,tipping isn' t customary. 是的。在酒店和一些餐馆中,他们会在账单内加上服务费,除此之外,我们没有给小费的习惯。 What about cab drivers and porters?那出租车司机和行李搬运工呢? Well, in a cab you just pay what it says on the meter. I generally tip hotel porters 5 yuan per bag,but in first class hotels they' re instructed not to accept gratuities. 出租车只要照表付费。至于旅馆的行李搬运工,我通常是一件行李给他5元钱。不过,在一流的饭店,他们会被告知不能收小费。 I see. Thank you.明白了。谢谢。 美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。