  • 总算认识办公用品英语

      office supplies办公用品   1 notebook 笔记本   2 stapler 订书机   3 file 文件夹   4 document cabinet文件柜   5 computer 电脑
      记忆点拨   品的表示;office supplies, office supply, office.
      单词延伸.   1 notebook   notepaper 便条,短笺   jotter 笔记本;便笺薄   pocketbook 钱包;笔记本   workbook 工作手册;练习簿
      2 stapler   staple 用订书钉订住   stap 阻止;堵塞   nail 钉;使固定;揭露   glue 用胶粘
    [图片0]   3 file   filer 锉磨工人;文件编档员;文件装订员.   document 文件,公文   expanding file文件袋   loose-leaf binder活页夹子
      4 document cabinet   stationery 文具   office pin办公用大头针   business card holder名片夹   reading lamp台灯
      5 computerl   earphone 头戴式耳机   computable 可计算的   computerise 用计算机处理;给……装备计算机.   computational 计算的
      语境记忆   Copy this page in your notebook.   把这一页抄到你的笔记本上。
      He had written letters on official notepaper topromote a relative's company.   他用官方信纸写信推荐一个亲戚的公司。
      Poor service affected the waiters' pocketbook.   差劲的服务影响了侍者的收入。
      Just do one more exercise in this workbook.   就再做一道这本练习册中的练习吧。
      The stapler is on the top of the 6ling cabinet.   订书机在文件拒上面。
      Staple some sheets of paper together into a book.   用订书钉把一些纸张订成一本。
      Frank put the first plank down and nailed it in place.   弗兰克放下第一块木板,把它钉到位。
      The material is cut and glued in place.   材料被剪开并粘到合适的位置。
      It's a file of insurance papers.   这是一个保险单文件夹。