  • 总算找到买单的英文

      bill 账单   高手点拨   bill,有两种词性:名词和动词,作为名词有“法案,广告,账单”的意思,此夕昨为训司有“开账单,宣布”的意思。   I must pay away thebill tomorrow.(明天我必须支付这一账单。).   They decided to tack anamendment to the bill.(也门决定在议案中附加一个修正案。).
      扩展分享   pay the bill付账.   I don't have enough money to pay the bill(我的钱不够付账单。).   bill for……账单.   Every month I got a bill for electricity, heat, and water.(每个月,我都会收到水电费、取暖费的账单).
      词汇积累   tab 账单   note 票据;纸币;便笺   receipt 收据,收条   pay for付款   discount折扣;贴现率.贴现   half price 半价
    [图片0]   swipe 刷……卡   高手点拨   swipe,有两种词性:名词和动词。有“刷卡,偷窃”的意思,又作名词有“尖刻的话”的意思。近义词有steal/jab at.   They swipe the card and then they get that receipt.(他们刷了一下卡,然后他们就得到收据。).
      扩展分享   swipe,作理语用时表示“惹人讨厌的人”;还可以表示“马夫,马信”的意思。swipe at:击打.   She took a playfu一swipe at her brother.(她玩笑般地朝她弟弟挥手打去。).
      词汇积累   cash 现款,现金.将……兑现;支付现款   in cash现金付款   check 支票   swiping card刷卡   debit 记入借方,登入借方口借方   debit card 借记卡;签账卡;提款卡