  • 总算发现网页设计英语怎么说

    Designing a Web Page设计网页
      I take pride in this webpage.这个网页是我的得意之作。   A : I take pride in this webpage.这个网页是我的得意之作。   B : It's really beautiful.确实很漂亮。   类似的表达还有:I'm really proud of this webpage./The web page is a piece of work I am proud at.
      I have no clue to design this web site.我设计这个网页没头绪。   A : I have no clue to design this web site.我设计这个网页没头绪。   B:Do it again.重来。   类似的表达还有:I don't have any idea to design this web site./I haven't a clue to design this web site.
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