  • 终于找到肥胖用英语怎么说

    A: I'm surprised at the number of overweight children I've seen during this trip to China. B: The number of cases of obesity is increasing at a rate of 8% per year. A: That trend is worrisome.
    B: When these children become adolescents, they often seek to lose weight through dieting. But many dieters do not follow effective weight loss programs. A: The point of any diet is to lose body fat and keep it off. But teen agers often lack sufficient education on how to follow a balanced diet.
    B: That's right. Diets may help people lose weight temporarily. But dieters eventually go back to their previous unhealthy diet and sedentary lifestyle. A :Changing unhealthy habits is hard to achieve. But obesity is a serious public health issue. B: Doctors and nutritionists agree, developing good nutrition and exercise habits in childhood can help people live physically and psychologically healthy lives as adolescents and adults. 韦博英语小编提醒您:英语口语翻译时,经常会遇到一些令人啼笑皆非的小尴尬,因为语言习惯不同,人们的翻译结果也不尽相同,所以,多了解一些你所不知道的老外的口语吧,以下是肥胖用英语怎么说翻译。
    A:我这次到中国来旅游,看到这么多小胖子,感到很惊奇。 B:患肥胖病的儿童在以每年8%的速度增长。 A:这种趋势令人担忧。
    B:这些孩子进人青春期后,往往会通过节食来减肥,但许多节食者都没有有效的减肥计划。 A:任何节食的关键都在于去除体内脂肪并防止其反弹。但在如何平衡饮食方面,青少年通常缺乏良好的指导。 B:没错。节食可以帮助人们暂时减肥。但节食者终还会回到他们原先的不良饮食习惯和缺乏运动的生活方式。
    A:改掉不良习惯很难。但是肥胖症是个严重的公共健康问题。 B:医生和营养学家们一致认为,在儿童时期养成良好的营养和锻炼习惯可帮助人们在青少年及成年阶段保持身体健康和心理健康。
