  • 总算领会关于投诉的考研英语小作文范文

    关于投诉的考研英语小作文范文 提高考研英语写作水平无非三大方法:多读、多背、多写。多读可以提高写作水平,但前提是需要用心。如果读英语文章时记下文中的精彩词汇、词组和句型,并在写作中反复运用积累的表达,写作水平自然会提高。下面是北京考研小编为您整理的关于投诉的考研英语小作文范文,让我们一起来学习吧。 Dear Sir or Madam,
    I am writing to_complain_about my recent holiday trip to Hainan, which was organized by your agency. My friend and I selected the one-week island tour starting on January 5th. Your agency promised that the hotel was four-star and the all-inclusive' price covered breakfast and dinner。 However, the hotel was not what I would consider four-star: the room was dirty, the beds uncomfortable, there was not enough breakfast, and the hotel refused to provide us with dinner. We had to spend a further 1,000 yuan on dinners during our stay。 The tour in no way' matched the descriptions provided by your agency, which is unacceptable. Therefore we expect to be compensated for our extra expenses。 Yours sincerely, Li Ming
    小作文部分包括致编辑、道歉、感谢、倡议、祝贺、投诉、申请、邀请、慰问、询问、寻找失物、求职、求学、推荐、自我介绍、答复、请求、吊唁、欢迎、拒绝、建议、商业书信共22种书信以及备忘录、报告、便条和告示。下面北京考研小编为您翻译以上:关于投诉的考研英语小作文范文。 尊敬的先生/女士:
    我写信投诉我近参加的由贵社组织的海南游。我和朋友选择了1月5日开始的海岛七日游。贵社当时确保:住的是四星级酒店,费用涵盖早餐和晚餐。 但是,这家酒店并不像四星级:房间是脏的,床也不舒服,早餐量很少,还不提供晚餐。这样一来待在这儿期间我们晚餐又花了1,000元。 这次旅游与贵社的描述一点儿都不一致,这点让我们没法接受。因此我们期待贵社赔偿我们额外的开销。 您真诚的, 李明 以上是北京考研小编为整理的关于投诉的考研英语小作文范文的全部内容。