  • 终于明白水球英语怎么说

    Water Polo水球   I couldn't agree with you more.我完全同意你的看法。   A:We always stress having a good time more than winning.   我们一直强调玩得开心比赢球更重要。   B:I couldn't agree with you more.我完全同意你的看法。   此句用来表示同意某人,类似的说法还有:You can say that again./That's for sure./You get that right.
      He's quite a champ.他是一位了不起的冠军。   A : He's quite a champ.他是一位了不起的冠军。   B : You said it.没错。   quite + a/an+可数名词,用来加强语气,例如:That's quite a feat.真是厉害。
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