  • 总算找到体操用英语怎么说

    Gymnastics体操   …take it.……获胜。   A:Mary was the champ last year. This time she is going to take it again.   玛丽是去年的冠军得主,这一次她将再度夺冠。   B:Who knows.谁知道呢。   take it在此是非常口语的说法,表示“获胜,夺标,获得成功”的意思。类似的说法还有carry it, carry sth. off。如:He carried the speech off well although he felt very nervous.尽管他感到非常紧张,但总算把演讲顺利地讲完了。
      You could say that.这样说也没错。   A:That's bad, right?很惨,是吧?   B: You could say tha一这样说也没错。   当别人说法不完全对,或让人不太满意但尚可接受时,便可答以You could say that.
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