  • 总算晓得摔跤英语怎么说

      You're on the right track.你答对了。   A: Wrestling is an Olympic sport, right?摔跤是奥运会项目,对吧?   B:You are on the right track.你说对了。   on the right track的解释是“正确地”,表示能够找出正确的答案或解决方法,故可引申为“做对了;答对了”的意思。相反说法则是on the wrong tracks。

    I doubt it.我怀疑。   A:The wrestler will be disqualified.这个摔跤运动员会被取消比赛资格。   B:I doubt it.我怀疑。 表示对别人抱有怀疑的心情。也可以说It's doubtful! /I don't think so.我不这样认为。
    [图片0] 经典金句
      1 .Apart from internationally recognized classical wrestling, free style and judo, various national kinds are practiced in different countries.
      2. Wrestling is a form of empty-hand combat.   摔跤是一种徒手进行的格斗项目。
      3. The most important wrestling skills are hold-ing, throwing, tripping and pinning.   重要的摔跤技巧包括抱、摔、绊和压。
       are the penalties for committing a foul?   对犯规怎样处罚?
       committing a foul, a wrestler is penalize done point, or may even be disqualified.
      6·He won the bout by great superiority.
      A: Who lays down the rules for international wrestling competitions?   B:The FILA lays down the rules for international wrestling competitions.   A:What officials are there in a wrestling match?   B:Officials include a mat chairman,a referee,a judge,and a timekeeper.   A:What are the referee's responsibilities?   B:The referee is responsible for controlling the bout,and for awarding points.   A:What constitutes a foul in wrestling?   B:Fouls include kicking,punching and pulling vulnerable parts of the opponent's body.
      A:谁负责制定国际摔跤比赛规则?   B:国际摔联负责制定国际比赛规则。   A:摔跤比赛有哪些裁判人员?   B:裁判员包括一名裁判长、一名场上裁判员、一名侧面裁判员和一名计时员。   A:裁判员的职责是什么?   B:裁判员的职责是控制比赛和评分。   A:摔跤犯规动作有哪些?   B:犯规动作包括:蹬踹、打、抓不允许侵犯的身体易受伤部位。
      hug 抱住   judge 裁判员   invert 翻过来   side-roll 侧滚翻   cross face 侧握臂   bad mark 犯规分   mat chairman 场上裁判   headlong倒栽葱
