  • 终于明了拳击用英语怎么说

    Boxing拳击   get into…对……感兴趣   A:I really can't get into the boxing bout.我对拳击比赛没兴趣。   B:Me, too.我也是。   get int。通常表示“进人(某种事物或状态)”进而引申出多种意思,如“上车;陷入麻烦,对……着迷”。
      turn the tables 扭转局势   A:He turned the tables at the end of the boxing bout.   他在拳击比赛的后扭转了局势。   B: He is one of the best boxers.他是比较好的拳击运动员之一。   此成语源自17世纪,意指情势完全反转,原来居劣势者反占上风。turn the tables on (sb.)则表示情势扭转后占了(某人)的上风。
    [图片0] 经典金句
       feel Chinese people aren't good at boxing, but better at Wushu.   我觉得中国人不遭长拳击而擅长武术。
      2. Now America dominate in boxing.   目前美国的拳击水平高。
      3 .Do you know what causes the death of a boxer?   你知道是什么导致拳击手死亡的吗?
       there any way to increase protection for boxers?   有没有什么手段来增加对拳击手的保护呢?
       referee declares the winner by raising his arm.   裁判员将获胜者的手臂高高举起。
       appeals to the basic instincts of self-defence.   拳击激起了人们自卫的本能。
      A:Do you like the boxing bout?   B:Yes,very much. It not only has long time history,but also is very stimulated compared with other sports.   A: Is it like the traditional Wushu of China?   B:Perhaps same to each other, the ancient Greek paid much attention to boxing to struggle with the enemies at the battlefield.   A: In your opinion,it had been prevailing in ancient Greece.
      A:你喜欢看拳击比赛吗?   B:是的,非常喜欢。它不仅历史悠久,而且相对其他体育比赛也非常刺激。   A:它像中国的传统武术吗?   B:或许是一样的。古希腊人为在战场同敌人搏斗非常重视拳击运动。   A:你是说它在古希腊就已盛行了。
      break 分开   canvas 护垫   cross 交叉拳   feeler 左直拳   follow blow 跟进拳   gloves 拳击手套   helmet 头盔   ring 拳击台
