  • 总算发现高尔夫球英语怎么说

    Golf 高尔夫球
      I'll go ahead and tee off first.我先来开球。   A: What club is the best on this one?这一洞用几号球杆比较好呢?   B:I think it's got to be the number-three wood. I'll go ahead and tee off first.   我想用3号木杆比较好。我先来开球。   tee off是指把高尔夫球自球座上击出,也就是“开球”的意思。另外,tee(sb.) off表示“使(某人)生气”;tee off(sth.)则是“开始(某活动)”。
      Every dog has his day.每个人总有走运的时候。   A:Outstanding game,Don!唐,打得好!   B:They say every dog has his day and this dog had his today!   俗话说:每个人都有走运的一天,今天就是我的幸运日!   Every dog has his day字面解释为“每只狗都会有它的日子”,引申为“每个人总有走运的时候”,也就是Everyone wins sometimes.的意思。
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