  • 终于认识关于电话的英语

      常用词句   a dial direct phone/direct-dial phone直拨电话.   a dial/an automatic telephone自动电话   a long-distance telephone长途电话   a touch dial phone点式电话   address 向……说话   answer a call/the phone接电话   answer outside calls接外线电话   area code区号(分区号码)   automatic phone/autophone自动电话   available 可得到的   bad connection听不清   be wanted on the phone有某人的电话   busy 占线   by the name of名叫……
      call 打电话   call back回话   call sb. to the phone/telephone叫某人听电话.   cancel 销号   can't get through不通   carrying telephone便携式电话   ccllularphone 蜂窝电话   central总机   charge费用   city call市内电话   coin-box telephone投币电话   collect call对方付费电话   connect 接通   country code国家代码   cradle 放置电话的托架   credit card call信用卡记账电话   cut off断线   DDD (domestic direct dial system)国内直拨系统.
      dial 拨号   dia一signal拨号信号   dial/have the wrong number拨错号   disconnect/sever a telephone挂断电话   domestic call 国内电话   earpiece 听筒   emergency/urgent call紧急电话   end line端线   engage 占线   extension 分机   extension number分机号码
      Fax/facsimile 传真   free call免费电话   get sb. on the phone叫某人接电话   get through接通电话   give sb. a call给某人打电话   hang up挂断电话   hang/hold on稍等,别挂断电话   have a telephone installed装电话   hold on the line别挂断电话   house call内部电话   house phone内线电话   DD(international direct dial system) 国际直拨系统.
    [图片0]   in person本人,亲自   inform 通知   information 问号台   inter phone内线电话   intercom (办公室等装置的)对讲装置   interline connection换机衔接   international /overseas call ICI际电话   inter-continental洲际电话   leave a message 留言   make a call to给……打电话   message call传呼电话   mobile/moving telephone移动电话
      phone a message to sb.打电话告诉某人一件事.   pick up the phone拿起听筒   private number私人电话   public telephone公用电话   push-button telephone按键电话   put a call through接通电话   put down the receiver挂上电话   put sb. on the line接通某人   put sb. on the telephone叫某人接电话
      Radio Paging Service无线寻呼服务台   radio phone无线电话   reach 到达   reconnect 重新连接   recording telephone录音电话   ring off the phone挂断电话   ring off挂断   ring sb. up给某人打电话   ring(电i舌)响   slot 投币口   speak to sb. over the phone跟某人通电话   speak to sb. over the telephone和某人通电话.   station-to-station/number call叫号电话
      talk on/over the phone在电话里谈   tap telephones窃听电话   telephone booth 电话亭   telephone directory/book电话簿   telephone exchange电话交换台   telephone for a taxi打电话叫出租车   telephone payment电话费   telephone receiver电话筒   telephone room电话Ids   telephone service office电话局   telephone set电话机   telephone subscriber 电话用户.   telephone through to say打电话说   telephone八clephonic apparatus电话机   telex 电传   The connection is bad.听不清   The line is busy./The number is engaged.占线