  • 总算发现名声英文怎么说

      常用词句   a cracked reputation受损的名声   a diplomat of worldwide repute 世界闻名的外交家.   a favorable reputation好名声   a fine reputation美誉   a firm of good repute信誉好的商号   a fleeting reputation名噪一时   a man of eminent reputation名声显赫的人   a man of solid repute信誉可靠的人   a man with a bad reputation名声不好的人   a man with notorious reputation臭名昭著的人.   a man without reputations默默无闻的人   a merited reputation受之无愧的名望   a stain on sb.'s reputation名誉上的污点   a time-honored reputation悠久的信誉   an academic reputation学术上的威望   an authority of international repute有国际声望的.   an unfavorable reputation不好的名声   achieve/acquire a reputation as a linguist获得语言学家的名望.   affect the country's reputation影响国家的声誉.   attain a high repute as a poetess作为女诗人获得很高的声誉.   attain/make an international reputation赢得国际声誉.   authors of established reputation已成名的作者.
    [图片0]   be highly reputed among在……中有很好的名声. be of a bad/evil repute名声不好   be reputed for his originality以创办性而知名.   black八arnish the reputation of the author 玷污作者的名声.   build up a reputation树立声望   business reputation商业信誉   decline in reputation声誉下降   deserve the reputation one enjoys名不虚传.   earn a high reputation for learning因博学而获得很高的声誉.   enhance one's reputation提高声誉   enjoy a high reputation as an economist享有经济学家的盛名.   enjoy a reputation for honesty享有诚实的声誉   establish one's reputation as a philosopher确立作为哲学家的名望.
      gain/earn considerable repute相当出名   guard/protect one's reputation保护自己的名声   have a high reputation among musicians在音乐界声望很高.   have a reputation for courage以勇敢而出名.   have a reputation of a miser有守财奴的名声.   have an enormous reputation享有盛名   hold/uphold a 151一year reputation for/of quality有151年的质量声誉.   hurt/wound八mpair/mar sb.'s reputation损害某人的名声.   keep up/maintain/retain one's reputation保持名誉.   know sb. by repute 仅以某人之名.   know sb. well by reputation久闻大名
      live up to one's reputation不负盛名   make a reputation for oneself为自己博得名声.   make an evil reputation for oneself把自己弄得声名狼藉.   men of worldwide reputation世界名人   obtain a worldwide repute闻名世界   public reputation社会名望   raise one's reputation提高威望   redeem one's reputation挽回信誉   seek the bubble reputation追求虚名   through good and evil repute不管是誉是毁   well/ill reputed名声好/不好   work up a reputation逐步建立威望