  • 终于懂了才智的英语

      a child with talent聪颖过人的孩子   a clever reply机敏的回答   a commander of great military talent有非凡军事才能的指挥员.   a decidedly intelligent boy绝顶聪明的男孩.   a gift for languages语言天赋   a gift for writing poetry 诗才   a gifted voice 金嗓子   a major loss of talents大量人才流失   a man of average intelligence中等才智的人.   a man of brilliant intellect才华横溢的人   a man of colossal intellect奇才   a man of high/ordinary intcllegence钾力超群/平平的人.   a man of sense明智的人   a man of shining talents有卓越才干的人   a man of wit风趣的人,机智的人   a man with average intelligence智力平常的人.
    [图片0]   a person of many gifts多才多艺的人   a pianist of rare talent钢琴奇才   a student who shows very little intelligence 一个缺乏智力的学生.   a talent for writing 写作才能   a talented musician 天才音乐家   a talented scholar 才子   a wise decision明智的决定   A wise man智者   a wise plan妙计   a wise saying 箴言   a woman of much/no small intellegence极聪明的女人.   administrative talent管理才能   an exceptionally gifted scientist有非凡天赋的科学家.   at one's wits' end/at the end of one's resources智穷才尽.
      be born into a family noted for its intellect生于一个以才智卓著闻名的家庭.   be clever at chemistry擅长化学   be clever with one's hands手巧   be defective in intellegence有智力缺陷   be endowed with unusual literary talents才高八斗.   be gifted in mathematics有数学天才   be gifted linguistically在语一方面有天才   be gifted with dramatic power有演戏的天才.   be gifted with rare talents极有才华
      be in one's (right)wits神经正常   be intelligent of one's own merits有自知之明.   be out of one's (right) wits神经错乱   be scared out of one's wits吓得魂不附体   be talented with one's hand、双手灵巧   be wise in law精通法律   blunt one's intellect使智力迟钝   both brave and resourceful/both intelligentand courageous智勇双全.   brilliant/remarkable talent for languag 出色的语言天赋.   call for special talents需要特殊才能   collective wisdom集体的智慧   cultivate/develop one's talents培养才能
      decayed intelligence衰退的智力   develop morally,intellectually·aestheticallyand physically在德育、智育、美育、体育等方面都得到发展.   develop one's talents发展才智   diplomatic talent外交人才   discover new talents发现新人才   doubt/question the wisdom of an action怀疑某一行为是否明智.   endowed with both beauty and talent/be bothbeautiful and talented才貌双全.   envy one's surprising gift羡慕某人过人的天赋   even the wise make mistakes智者千虑.必有一失