  • 终于知道态度英语怎么说

      常用词句   a calm and determined attitude冷静而坚决的态度.   a carefree attitude无忧无虑的态度   a casual attitude toward work对待工作的漫不经心的态度.   a compromising attitude妥协的态度   a critical attitude批判的态度   a defiant attitude违抗的态度   a hail-fellow-well-met attitude极其亲密的态度.   a hands-off attitude不参与的态度   a more tolerant attitude更加宽容的态度   a positive/negative attitude积极/消极态度.   a pro-foreign/an anti-foreign attitude亲外/排外的态度.   a reverent attitude崇敬的态度
    [图片0]   a scornful/contemptuous attitude 轻蔑的态度.   a self-centred attitude自私自利的态度   a sincere and friendly attitude诚挚友好的态度.   a studied attitude慎重的态度   a tender attitude温柔的态度   a tough/get-tough/adamant attitude强硬的态度   an attitude of cynical indifference愤世嫉俗的冷漠态度.   an attitude of defiance towards all authority对一切采取挑战的态度.   an attitude of proud reticence傲慢的缄默态度.   an easy and graceful attitude随和、优雅的态度.   an indulgent attitude纵容的态度   adopt a more liberal attitude采取更加开明的态度.   adopt a stoic attitude采取淡泊态度   assume a hostile attitude采取敌对态度
      buyer's cautious attitude买方的谨慎态度   change one's attitude改变态度   gesture one's attitude用手势表示态度   keep/maintain/preserve the attitude保持……态度.   maintain a wait-and-see/watch-and-see attitude持观望态度.   official attitude官方态度   one's attitude toward death对死亡的看法   one's attitude toward life人生观   retain a cautions and sceptical attitude持谨慎的怀疑态度.   revise one's attitude towards修正对……的看法.   show a "no comment" attitude表现出“无可奉告”的态度.   show an attitude of indifference表现出冷淡的态度.   stiffen ( 态度)强硬起来   take a realistic attitude采取现实的态度   take up an attitude of antagonism to采取与……对立的态度.   the editorial attitude of a newspaper报纸编辑部的态度.   work attitude工作态度