  • 终于认识关于费用的英语

      常用词句   an additional expense附加费用   an enormous expenditure巨大的费用   an expenditure beyond one's means超出某人财力的费用.   an expenditure of$80,000 on a new car购买一部新车的8万美元的支出.   actual expenditure实际开支   advertising expenses广告费   amount to (费用)达   assume/stand take on all the expense承担全部费用.   at sb.'s expense由某人付费   be profuse in one's expenditure 用钱大手大脚.   bear the whole expense of the repair承担维修的全部费用.   building expenses建筑费   business expenses营业费   consumer expenditure消费支出   cost a large expenditure of money耗费大笔金钱.
      defence expenditure防务费   economize expenditure节约费用   entertainment expenses招待费,娱乐费   equally divide the expenses between A and B甲乙两人平均分担费用.   extra expenses额外开支   figure out expense算出费用   free of expense免费   household and personal expenditure家庭和个人开支.   housing expense、住房费用   increase expenditure on armaments增加军费开支.   keep down expenses削减费用
    [图片0]   live at his father's expense生活由他父亲负担.   living expenses生活费   military expenditure军费   miscellaneous expenses杂费   non-productive expenses非生产性开支   pay one's expenses through the university支付某人上大学的全部费用.   per capita expenditure人均支出   proportion one's expenses to one's receipts晕入为出.   reduce/curtail/cut down expenses/expenditure削减费用.   regardless of expense不计费用
      save expenses节省开支   school expenses学费   study abroad at government expense公费留学.   the estimated expenditure for the project该工程的估计费用.   the expense for removal搬迁费   the expense for the examination考试费   the expense of a wa:战争费   traveling expenses旅费   working expenses经营费