  • 总算晓得冷用英语怎么说

      常用词句   be frozen hard冻得很结实   biting 刺骨的,刺人的   bitterly 严寒地.刺骨地   be cold in manner 态度冷淡   be dead with cold冻僵   be hardly cold in one's grave尸骨未寒   be numbed with cold冻僵   catch/take cold伤风.着凉   cold spell寒流   cold wave寒潮   come down with a cold染上风寒   contract a severe cold得重感冒   die with cold冻死
      feel the cold感到寒意   freeze at 0℃在摄氏零度结冰   freeze into the shape of the basin冻结成盆的形状.   freeze in冰封.冻住   freeze on the clothesline冻在晒衣绳上   freeze onto metal handles冻得粘在金属把手上.   freeze out(植物)冻死   freeze over(使)表面结冰   freeze to death冻死   freezing 极冷的   frozen 冰冻的.极冷的   frozen with cold冻僵   furnace 炉子
    [图片0]   get a bad/heavy cold患重感冒   get a cold from exposure由于受风寒而得感冒.   grow cold with fear吓得毛骨惊然   have two or three colds a year一年患两三次感冒.   head cold伤风   in the biting cold在刺骨的寒风中   keep out the cold御寒   shiver with/from cold冷得发抖   stay outside in the cold站在外面挨冻   stone cold铁石心肠   suffer from a severe cold患敢感冒
      numb 失去知觉的.麻木的   oppressive 难以忍受的   roast 烤炙   sticky 私性的,湿热的   stuffy /sultry闷热的.酷热的   swelter (使)热得发昏.(使)中暑   sweltering 酷热的   ten degrees of cold零下10度   the intense/bitter/bitterly/severe cold严寒.   the lingering cold余寒   withstand the cold耐寒.抵寒