  • 终于领会竞争用英语怎么说

    Do you find competition severe these days?你有没有发现近竞争非常激烈? It' s more severe than it was, say, this time last year.比去年这个时候更厉害了。 In what way? Price? Advertising?在哪一方面呢?是价格还是广告方面? Well, some of the newcomers have put on attractive exhibitions in various cities throughout the country. That gives them a sudden spur in sales一些新的同行在全国各地的城市举办颇具吸引力的展示会,借此他们的销售量骤然增加。 We' re expanding our plant, I hear.我听说我们正在扩建工厂,是吗? Yes. Our new factory will start production sometime towards the end of next month. That'll help with deliveries.是的,我们的新工厂将在下月底开始生产,这将有利于出货。 Really? I hope we' ll open another one after that.真的?我希望我们公司还会接着再开另一家工厂。 We' ll have to expand to keep up with demand.为了应付市场需求,我们非得再扩充不可。 The next step might be opening a factory in another country.那下一个步骤,可能是在另一个国家设立新厂了。 美联英语小编建议大家学习生活必用的英语会话句型,在不同场景及使用时机掌握对话,将句型融入对话中。