  • 终于理会旅行社英语怎么说

      Travel Agency 旅行社
      How many items are included...?……包括多少项内容?   A:How many items are included in the tour fee?旅行费用包括多少项内容?   B:Five. 5项。   include是指一个或几个小物体包含在一个大物体之内,如果要表示几个小物体组成一个大物体就不能用include,而要用consist of。
      Do you know of...?你知道……吗?   A : Do you know of a good hotel?你知道哪家酒店好吗?   B: Yes, you should go to the Hilton.是的,你应该去希尔顿酒店。   Do you know of...?是口语中常用的一个句型,主要用在询问对方是否知道某地、某人或某事时。
    [图片0] 经典金句
       there a tour with a guide speaking Spanish?   有导游说西班牙语的旅游线路吗?
       many items are included in the tour fee?   旅行费用包括多少项内容?
       you introduce some of your tours to me?   你能给我推荐一些你们的旅行(线路)吗?
       I have some information about going sightseeing?   给我一些出门观光的信息,可以吗?
      5·Do you have a full-day tour?   你们有全天游吗?
       often does this line set out?   这条线多长时间发一次团?
      A:Is there a tour that goes to Guilin these days?   B : Yes. The tour that goes to Guilin leaves every other day.   A:May I ask you how much is the tour fee?   B:It is one thousand yuan per person.   A: What about children?   B:The fee for children is five hundred,namely it is half-price for children.
      A:这些天有到桂林的旅行团吗?   B:有的。到桂林的旅行每隔一天发团一次。   A:我可以问一下旅行收费是多少吗?   B:每人1000元。   A:儿童呢?   B:儿童的费用是500元,也就是对儿童半价。
      tourist agency 旅行社   agent 代理人   landscape 风景   validation 签订生效   venue 地点   sightseeing 观光   guide 导游   item 项目
