  • 总算认识飞机上英文用语

      On the Plane在飞机上
      build a fire under somebody 催促某人   A:Hurry up! The plane is taking off!快点,飞机就要起飞了!   B:Don't build a fire under me. I know the importance of time.别催我。我知道时间的重要性。   build是动词,有“构成、形成、使成为”的意思,build a fire意思是“生火”,build a fire under somebody字面上是“在某人脚底下点了把火”,意思就是“让人快走”.引申为“催促某人”。
      Because of…因为……   A:Because of the bad weather conditions,we'll have to wait for a little while.因为天气状况恶劣,我们必须再等一会儿。   B: That's a bad news.这个消息不太妙。   because是连接词,后跟从句;because of是介词短语,后跟名词或名词短语。
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