  • 总算懂得关于喝酒英语

      I don't want to be arrested for drunk driving.   我可不想因酒驾而被警察拘捕。
      I often kiss the cup to relax.   我经常饮酒解乏。
      Many aggressive behaviors are caused by excessive drinking.   很多过激行为都是过量饮酒所致。

      I'd like you to drive me home at nine o'clock.   我想让你九点钟时接我回家。
      I'll be there on time.我会准时到的。
      What are you up to these days?   你近忙什么呢?
      Alcohol can be a disease-fighter in moderation, but drinking too much can as well pose a long list of health threats.   适量饮酒可以预防疾病,但是饮酒过量却会对健康会造成一系列威胁。
      Thank you for your advice. I got it.   谢谢你的建议,我会注意的。
      It's incredible!这真让人难以置信。
      Many people are more susceptible to drinking too much.   很多人在一起更可能会饮酒过量。
      Such behavior could give access to criminals.   这种行为容易给犯罪分子可乘之机。
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