  • 终于清楚酒店点餐英语对话

      情景对话   Lele:Hello, Room Service? This is Room 602. I'd like to order some spaghetti for lunch.   Attendant: Yes, Miss. But this is the peak time for meal orders,I’m afraid your order will take about 20 minutes to arrive.   Lele:That's all right. I'll wait. You'll send it to my room, won't you?   Attendant:Yes. When lunch is ready, we'll call you.   (20 minutes later)   Lele: Hello. This is Room 602. I ordered the spaghetti 20 minutes ago. Is it ready?   Attendant: Let me check. Yes. Your spaghetti was already done and sent to your room just now.   Lele: What? But my lunch hasn't arrived yet.   Attendant: I'll call and check it.   Attendant: We're so sorry, Miss Zhou. They made a mistake. The spaghetti wassent to Room 612. Do you need me re-order another one for you?   Lele:What the hell are you doing? No,don't want it. I'll eat out.   Attendant: Sorry!   Lele: I'll complain to your manager.
    [图片0]   乐乐:你好,是客房部吗?我是602房间。我午餐想订一份意大利面。   服务员:好的,小姐。但是由于现在是订餐高峰期。恐怕您的午餐在大约20分钟后才能送到。   乐乐:没关系。我会等的。你们会送到我房间里来.是吗?   服务员:是的。午餐做好后我们会给您打电话。   (20分钟后)   乐乐:你好。这里是602房间的。我20分钟前订的意大利面。做好了吗?   服务员:我查查看。是的,您的意大利面已经做好并送到您的房问去了。   乐乐:什么?但是我的午餐到现在还没送来哪。   服务员:我打电话问一下怎么回事。   服务员:我们实在是太对不起了,周小姐。他们送错了。意大利面被送到了612房间。您需要我再给您订一份吗?   乐乐:搞什么鬼呀?不,我不想要了。我要出去吃了。   服务员:对不起!   乐乐:我会向你们经理投诉的。
      扩展表达   订餐时间:time for meal orders   炸薯条:French fries   送餐服务:room service, meals on wheels   意大利面:spaghetti   饭前酒:aperitif