  • 总算领会展销会英语对话

      情景对话   Lele: I bet the new design will be a real hit in the show tomorrow!   Biddy: I can't agree more! It took our engineers and craftsmen almost three years todevelop the new material and dying technique!   Lele: The trade show will demonstrate your quality product, and your product mustcatch all tradesmen's eyes.   Biddy: Welcome to Silk Kingdom. Please enjoy some coffee and have a look at our products.   Visitor: I don't quite believe my own eyes! Is this really handmade silk from China?   Biddy: As sure as fate, sir. All the silk we have here on the show is from soup to nuts made by hand!   Visitor: I dare say you've occupied a comer position here in the show but your products really stand out!   Biddy: Thank you, sir, for your compliment!Would you please try more cappuccinohere and I'll introduce you to the silk world beyond our imagination?   Lele: It really pays to participate in the trade show.
      乐乐:我敢说,新设计明天肯定一炮打响!   比迪:没错!为了研发新的材料和织染技术,我们的工程师和工匠师傅花了整整三年呀!   乐乐:展销会可以展示你们的优质产品.而你们的产品一定可以吸引所有商人的眼球!   比迪:欢迎来到丝绸王国!请品尝一下咖啡,顺便看一看我们的产品。   客人:我的眼睛花了吗?这真的是来自中国的手工丝绸吗?   比迪:千真万确.先生。我们的丝绸从头到脚都是一针一线手工制作的!   客人:我敢说,你们的展台虽然在角落里,但是你们的展品可是很引人注目啊!   比迪:谢谢您的夸奖.先生。再来点卡布奇诺.我向您讲一讲神奇的丝绸世界吧。   乐乐:参加展销会,真是不虚此行!
    [图片0]   情景用语   吸引所有商人的眼球   catch all tradesmen's eyes
      千真万确。   As true as true can be.
      从头到脚是手工制作的   from soup to nuts made by hand
      难以抵制诱惑   can't resist the temptation
      参加商品展销会   participate in the trade show
      扩展表达   自由贸易区:FTA   展览会:exhibition, exposition, fair   气球:balloon   展品:exhibits   海报:poster, playbill   展台:booth