  • 总算明了留学咨询英语

      情景对话   Bobbie: I am very glad to hear that you are going to study in America for your Master's degree.   Lele: I am still thinking about it. I wonder what I should do for it.   Bobbie: First of all, you should choose a university you are going to apply for. Ofcourse, you'd better apply for several universities at the same time. Just in case.   Lele: After that, I should prepare some documents, such as application forms, per-sonal statement, research proposal and so on. Then mail them by air or fax.   Lele:But the offer is conditional on English language proficiency.   Bobbie:Yes. So you must take TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) and GRE(Graduate Record Examination).   Bobbie: Besides, you need letters of recommendation from two professors whoare proficient in your research field.   Lele: All right. When can I get the offer from the university?   Bobbie: Most universities send out offers from March to May, but some in depends.
      波比:听说你要来美国读硕士学位,甭提我多高兴了。   乐乐:我还在考虑呢,我想知道怎样申请。   波比:首先,你选择要申请的学校。当然.比较好同时申请几所大学。以防万一嘛。   乐乐:然后,我得准备一些文件。比如申请表、个人陈述、研究计划等。然后通过航空邮件或传真寄过去。   波比:但通知书对英语语言水平是有要求的。   乐乐:是的。所以你还得参加托福和GRE考试。   波比:除此之外,你还得准备两名教授的推荐信,他们比较好在你的研究领域有所建树。   乐乐:好的。什么时候能收到录取通知书呢?   波比:大多数学校都是在三月到五月间发出通知书的.但有的是在一月份。视情况而定。
    [图片0]   情景用语   硕士学位   master's degree
      申请   apply for
      推荐信   letter of recommendation
      经济状况   financial status
      收入证明   proof of earning
      扩展表达   申请表格:application form   海外留学:study abroad   国籍:nationality   护照编号:passport number   留学生:international student   学生签证:student visa   婚姻状况:marital status   邮政编码:posta code