  • 总算知道野餐英语怎么说

      情景对话   A: I smell the odor of nature in the woods.   B: It is a fun to picnic in the woods when the weather is fine.   A: I agree with you. At noon we will sit in the shade of the trees and have lunch.   B: It's a good place for picnic! We can enjoy the natural scenery(自然风景)while eating.   A: There is no noise of heavy traffic(车水马龙:拥挤的交通)and no polluted only sound is the beautiful singing of the birds.   B: And the gurgle of the stream. Listen, don't you hear it?   A: Wow! It must be right ahead. First we need to get some water.   B: Is the water drinkable?   A: It's sweet and clean. The local people often drink it.   B: Let's pick up some dry branches and get some mushrooms.   A: Have you got any matches or lighter?   B: Yes, I've got a lighter. Let's start afire(生火).   A: It's amazing. I've never had such experience in my life.
      A:在森林中我闻到了森林里大自然的气味。   B:天气晴朗时在森林中野餐是一种乐趣。   A:我与你意见一致。中午我们可以坐在树荫下用餐。   B:这是个野餐的好地方,可以边吃边欣赏自然风景。   A:没有喧嚣的交通噪声,没有空气污染,只有小鸟的美妙歌声。   B:以及小溪的潺潺水声。听,难道你没听到吗?   A:哇!一定在前边。我们先得弄点儿水来。   B:这儿的水能饮用吗?   A:这儿的水干净甜美,当地人经常饮用。   B:让我们捡一些干树枝,再采些蘑菇。   A:你带火柴或打火机了吗?   B:是的,我带了一个打火机。让我们来生火吧。   A:真神奇。我从来没有这种经历。
    [图片0]   单词过关   smell 嗅,闻   nature 自然   odor 气味;香气   woods 树林;森林   picnic 野餐,去野餐   scenery 风景;景色   gurgle (水等)泪泊地流   stream 小河;溪流   drinkable 可以喝的   branch 树枝;枝   mushroom 蘑菇
      语言贴士   sound作“声音”,“响声”讲时,大自然的任何声音,既可以指人或动物发出的声音,也可以指物体碰撞的声言。voice一般指人的声音。偶尔表示动物的声音。