  • 终于发现听音乐用英语

      情景对话   A: What kind of music do you like listening to?   B: I like music that has a fast beat and is lively like dance music. You prefer classical music, don't you?   A: Yeah, I do. I find it able to make me relaxing.   B: And do you know where can I find live music?   A: As far as I know(据我所知),there are good clubs and bars in Haidian District. You should find somewhere with live music.   B: Cool. I think we will try that at this weekend.   A: Yes. It's a great area for live music.   B: I know there are lots of students at the university there and it should be a good atmosphere.   A: That's true. But I think that you should ask Gao Yu. He knows about the music scene.   I'm sure he could tell you the best places to go.   B: Great idea. I'll definitely check with him.
      B:那你知道我能在哪儿找到现场音乐?   A:据我所知,在海淀区有好的夜总会和酒吧。在那里你应该能找到有现场音乐演奏的地方。   B:太棒了。我想我们这个周末会去看看。   A:是的,那儿是聆听现场音乐的好去处。   B:我知道那儿有很多大学生,氛围应该很好。   A:没错。但是我觉得你应该问问高雨。他了解音乐圈。我肯定他能告诉你比较好去哪里。   B:好主意。我一定要去问问他。
    [图片0]   单词过关   beat 拍子   lively 活泼的(地);轻快的(地)   relaxing 令人放松的   club 夜总会   district 区   atmosphere 大气;气氛;魅力   definitely 明确地;肯定地
      语言贴士   (1)I find it able to make me relaxing.   此句型结构为:主语+谓语++it+形容词+动词不定式。形容词在句中作宾语补足语,补充说明it的情况或状态。it为形式宾语,动词不定式是真正的宾语。这样就可以避免了头重脚轻的现象,使句子平稳、美观。如:   I found it important to learn spoken English.我发现学习英语口语是很重要的。
      (2) as far as I know据我所知,类似的表达还有as far as I can remember, see,tell, etc.如:As far as I know, that is highly unlikely.就我所知,那是极不可能的。
      (3) cool是美国年轻人们常用的词,表示不赖。   的读音相似,所以在口语中常被译作“酷”用于人或事均可。cool与汉语里的“酷”