  • 终于懂了英语会议发言

    情景对话   A: Hi everyone, to begin with, I appreciate your making time to attend today. Now ifyou wouldn't mind, I'd like this meeting to get under way(已经开始并进行着)now.   B: So what's first on the order of business?   A: I think it should be how to increase our market share in order to firm our positionin the market. Lily, you are the manager of marketing department, perhaps you can briefly introduce the situation first.   C: Yes, I've been looking at our sales over the past years; I think we should strengthen the online marketing so that more customers find us. Developing new business is taken into consideration(考虑)(take into consideration)as well as service areasto win more customers.   B: OK. What's next?   C: Maybe it should be planned for our new marketing campaign.   B: Yes. How is that going on?   C: Well, I'll be able to give you a full report next week. [图片0]   A:喂,大家注意了。首先,我很感激各位能够抽出时间来参加今天的会议。如果你们不介意的话,我希望现在就开会。   B:那么第一项议程是什么?   A:我认为应该是如何增加我们的市场份额以稳固我们在市场中的地位。莉莉,你是销售部经理,或许你可以先简单介绍一下情况。   C:行。通过分析过去几年的销售额,我认为应加强网络推广,让更多的客户找到我们。   可以考虑拓展新的业务及服务领域,赢得更多的客户。   B:好的,下一步做什么?   C:或许应该是策划我们的新营销活动。   B:是的,它进行得怎么样?   C:哦,我下周就能给你一个完整的汇报。   单词过关   share 份额   firm 使牢固   briefly 短暂地;简略地   strengthen 加强;巩固   customer 顾客   campaign 宣传活动   语言贴士   (1) under way= underway进行中   (2) take sth. into consideration考虑到某事:把某物考虑进去