  • 终于晓得关于约会的英语句子

      You must bear in mind the "Lady First Principle".   你必须要记牢“女士优先原则”。
      When you have to leave table during the meal, you should splay the knife and fork on the table.   中途离席放下刀叉,应呈“八"字形分放在盘子上。
      Be sure to visit on time, or it will be impolite.   务必要准时赴约,否则会失礼。
      1、Please be more specific.   请说得具体点。
      2、It is western tradition to respect ladies and modestly decline on social occasion.   尊重妇女,在社交场合谦让女士是西方国家的传统习俗。
      3、When shall .start the dinne?   什么时候才能开始用餐呢?
      4、What are the uses of napkin?   餐巾有什么用途?
      5、How far ahead of time can I make an appointment?   我要提前多久预约?
      6、Americans stress efficiency and they arrange their time carefully and doesn't like unexpected visit.   美国人办事讲究效率,总是仔细安排时间,不希望有人突然来访。
      7、Besides, you shouldn't casually appreciate or comment on certain items in the host's home.   另外,不要随便对主人家的东西赞赏或是大加评论。
      8、That might make the host think that he should give the item to you as gift.   那会让主人觉得他不得不把这个东西送给你。
    [图片0] 以上是由佛山韦博英语小编为您整理的关于约会的英语句子的全部内容。