  • 终于晓得请病假 英语

      情景对话   A: Hello, this is Sally of the Personnel Department(人事部).   B: Good morning, Sally. This is Tom Jones. Would you please tell Mr. Harry that I can not attend the meeting(参加会议)at ten o'clock tomorrow morning?   A: What's the matter with you?   B: I have a terrible headache. I must have caught a cold.   A: I'm sorry to hear that. I suggest you take a sick leave(病假).   B: Yes, that's why I'm calling. I think I won't be able to come in next two days. Could you ask for a two-day's sick leave for me?   A: Oh, sure. Please don't worry. Just take good care of yourself.   B: Thank you very much, Sally. Goodbye.   A: Goodbye.
      A:您好,我是人事部的莎莉。   B:早上好,莎莉,我是汤姆·琼斯。请你告诉哈里先生我不能参加明天上午10点的会议,好吗?   A:你怎么了?   B:我头很疼,肯定是感冒了。   A:我很遗憾。我建议你请个病假。   B:对,这就是我打电话来的原因,我想我接下来两天都不能上班了。你能为我请两天的病假吗?   A:哦,当然可以。请别担心,只管照顾好自己。   B:非常感谢,莎莉。再见。   A:再见。
    [图片0]   单词过关   headache 头痛   leave 休假   语言贴士   Would you please...?此句型用于请求别人帮助。如:Would you please nurse thebaby for me?你能帮我照顾小孩吗?
      常用句型   1. I got some family things that I need to take off tomorrow.   我家里有点儿事,明天想请个假。
      2. I caught a terrible cold last night, so I want to see the doctor.   昨晚我患了重感冒,因此想去看医生。
      3. I have some personal things to take care of.   我有些个人的事情要处理。
      4. You can take some time off when it is not busy.   你不忙的时候可以补休。