  • 终于清楚怎么写好雅思大作文开头段

    [图片0] 在这种情况下,考生就会胡乱写作,甚至是原文不动的照抄下来,这可是犯了雅思写作考试中的一大禁忌。那么问题来了,怎么写好雅思大作文开头段?想要知道的你就赶紧行动起来吧!雅思小编主要针对雅思大作文中讨论类和观点类两大类来分析各自都会有哪些很好的雅思大作文开头段。 Sentence1为背景句,Sentence2是要对原题目进行改写,Sentence3就要表达出个人观点或者对主体部分的简单描述。 1. 背景句的写法: 考生要先确定题目讨论的是哪个方向的问题,然后再以这个问题为中心,写一句介绍性的话。 比如: Some people who have been successful in the society don't attribute their success to the theoretical knowledge (that) they learnt from their university. Do you agree or disagree? 看到作文题目时,我们要先分析,找出其主旨才能构造写作框架。 题目中关键信息为personal success, theoretical knowledge,确定之后我们就可以围绕这几个单词写一个陈述句。 第一种开头句:People have long been interested in identifying the forces that contribute to personal achievement. 第二种开头句:The importance of theoretical knowledge to one's success is a matter for debate. 2. 题目改写的方法: (1) 加上常用句型 (2) 改变句子成分的顺序 (3) 改变句子成分 一句话会有很多种表达方式,所谓条条大路通罗马。不同的方式陈述会有不一样的效果,但前提是词汇或是语法的正确使用。 举例: Police in Britain do not carry guns. Some people believe that it will make citizens unprotected, but some suggest that it would reduce violence in society. Discuss those two views. 通过分析,我们可以使用假设性的背景句:In some countries,such as Britain, it is a convention that police do not carry guns. 题目改写: 1.加上常用句型:There is a perception that it will make citizens unprotected, while a counter argument is that it would reduce violence in society. 2.改变句子成分的顺序:Some people think that citizens would be unprotected, while some suggest that violence could be reduced. 3.改变句子成分:Some people think that it fails to protect citizens while some suggest that it would minimize violence in society. 3. 第三句写法: 在前两个步骤完成之后考生就要阐述自己的观点了。 举例: Children in secondary school study international news as a subject, but some think that's a waste of time. Discuss both views and give your opinion. 分析: 题目讨论的话题是international news。 背景句可写成:International news represents one of the main sources of information from which we discover what it happening around the world. 题目改写后的句子:However, when it comes to including it in the curriculum at secondary school, there is an ongoing debate. 第三句写法一: 支持:My personal view is that studying international news is of benefits to students. 反对:I am not convinced that… 第三句写法二: 讨论两个方面: There are some points in both sides. / Personally,both sides of the issue should be taken into consideration as follows.