  • 终于懂得求助的英语

      A department has been selling counterfeit goods.   一家商场一直在销售假冒商品。
      We have chased down all possible dues.   我们已经找遍了一切可能的线索。
      I hope you can find new owners for them.   我希望你们能为它们找到新主人。
      1、What can we do for you?   能为您做什么?
      2、I want to file a complaint with you.   我想向你们投诉。
      3、It has been a day since she was lost.   她失踪已经有一天了。
      4、You called for help for animals on the phone.   您在电话上说要为动物求助。
      5、I've collected many wandering cats and dogs.   我收养了很多流浪猫狗。
      6、Hope you can be present then.   希望届时您也在。
      7、Have you called the police?   您报警了吗?
      8、We will take pictures for them.   我们要为它们拍照。
    [图片0] 以上是由深圳韦博英语小编为您整理的求助的英语的全部内容。