  • 终于明了医疗保险英语

      I would like to purchase some health insurance.   我想买医疗保险。
      I would like some、 information about your health insurance plan?   我需要一些关于你们的医疗保险计划的信息。
      How much is the deductible of that plans.   那个计划的免赔额是多少?
      1、I am calling to purchase health insurance.   我打电话是想买医疗保险。
      2、This is my first time buying health insurance.   这是我第一次买医疗保险。
      3、I have health insurance now, but I want to look into other choices.   我已经有医疗保险了,但是我想看看别的选择。
      4、What will this plan cost me per month?   这个计划每个月多少钱?
      5、I need to know how health insurance works.   我想知道医疗保险是怎么回事。
    [图片0] 以上是由深圳韦博英语小编为您整理的医疗保险英语的全部内容。