  • 终于理会产品展示的英语

      情景会话   A:Hi! Are these samples?   B:Yes, they are our new models.   A: Would it be possible for me to take some samples back to my company?   B: 's going to be the pride of our company if you take our samples. We have a variety of styles.   A:Could I have these samples for free?   B: I'm sorry. Our samples are not free of charge, but we can offer you a 20%discount of each sample.   A: How do you pack them?   B: We always pack it according to the specific request from our clients.   A: I will take your samples back and see whether our president like them.   B: Our products have fine quality as well as low price.   A: I will contact you after I get the answer from my president.
      A:您好,这些是样品吗?   B:是的,这些是新样品。   A:我可以将一些样品带回公司吗?   B:当然,如果您带走我们的样品,这将会是我们公司的荣幸。我们有各种不同的款式。   A:这些样品是免费的吗?   B:对不起,我们的样品不是免费的,但是每款样品我们可以为您提供20%的折扣。   A:你们将如何包装?   B:我们始终根据客户的具体要求来包装。   A:我会将样品带回去,看看我们的董事长是否喜欢。   B:我们的产品价廉物美。   A:董事长给出反馈之后,我会再联系您。
    [图片0]   场景表述   Would it be possible for me to take some samples back to my company?   我可以将一些样品带回公司吗?
      还可以这样说:   O May I take some samples back to my company?我可以将一些样品带回公司吗?   O Is it possible for me to take some samples back to my company?   我是否可以将一些样品带回公司呢?
      对方可能这样回答:   O Of course, we have various styles.当然,我们有各种不同的款式。   OSorry, but you can take some brochures.不好意思,但是您可以带走一些宣传手册。
      Could I have these samples for free?   这些样品是免费的吗?
      还可以这样说:   O Are the samples free?样品是免费的吗?   O Could I have these samples free?我可以免费拿走这些样品吗?
      对方可能这样回答:   O Sorry, but we can provide you with a 20% discount of each sample.不好意思,但每款样品我们可以为您提供20%的折扣。