  • 终于领会提建议用英语怎么说

    在英语中我们可以用多种表达方式来提出我们的建议或征求对方的意见. 不同的表达方式会带来不同的效果。广州韦博国际英语分享提出建议用英语怎么说,让英语表达更流利。


    Mr. Sweeney, I' d like to talk to you about the staff meeting. I think we could do more efficiently. 斯威尼先生,我想与你谈谈公司干部会议的事。我认为我们可以做得更有效率。 Well, what do you suggest, Feng? 冯,你的建议是什么? The way it is now, the staff from all our five branches get together once a week. We meet for onehour. But I think a lot of time is wasted in transportation. 现在的方法是,我们5个分公司的干部每星期都来这里开会一次,每次一个小时,但我认为许多时间都浪费在交通上了。 You mean because people have to go across city to get here. 你的意思是因为大家都要横跨整个城市到这儿。 Yes. Some people spend half of the morning on the road. 是的,一些人花了半个上午在路上。 That' s true. But you know our staff meetings are very important. Feng. I don' t know how we canfunction without them. 确实如此。但我们的干部会议很重要,冯。我不知道没有他们我们如何能运作。 I think they are important too. That' s why I want people to have a better attitude about them. 我也认为他们很重要。那就是为什么我希望大家对会议有更好的态度。 I know a lot of people think the meeting aren' t too useful. I' m aware of it. 我知道有些人认为会议没有太大的用处。我知道这个情况。 Here' s what I propose. I think we should meet once every two weeks, but meet for two hours ormore. 我的建议是我们应该每两个星期开一次会,但每次会开两个小时或更长一点。 It sounds reasonable. Please go ahead.听起来有道理。请接着说。 And I also think the meeting should be more focused. I would be willing to take responsibility forthat. 我还认为会议议题应更加明确。我愿意对这件事负责。 You mean you want to run the meetings? 你的意思是你要主持会议? No, not really run them. But I could help you organize them. That' s, I could discuss meetingtopics with you, and then prepare a schedule for each meeting. I could send an email to all the staff toexplain the coming meeting. This way the meeting would become more focused, and people would preparebetter. 不,并不是主持会议。但我可以帮你组织会议。也就是说,我可以与你讨论议题,然后准备每次会议的议程。我可以给所有干部发电子邮件解释即将召开会议的议题。这样会议就能更明确,大家也能准备得更充分。 Hmm… But we would meet every two weeks. 嗯……但我们会每两个星期开一次会。 I really think it would work, Mr. Sweeney. The meeting could be longer, and better organized. 我真的认为这是可行的。会议时间可以长些,而且组织得更好。 [图片1]