  • 总算找到交货时间英语

      情景会话   A: Let's go into details of the time of delivery.   B: Okay.   A: I hope these goods can be delivered by the end of September. We'd like them to be ready in time for our Christmas sales.   B: Unfortunately, it'll be difficult for us to make a delivery at that time. Our manufacturers are fully committed at the moment.   A: Do you think you can get them to step up the production?   B: I'm afraid it would be hard to do that, since they are already working three shifts a day as new orders keep pouring in.   A: I see. What's the best you can do then?   B: We can make the delivery by the middle of October.   A: We'll accept that.
      A:让我们来谈谈具体交货时间吧。   B:好的。   A:我们希望贵方能在9月底前交这批货。我们要为圣诞节销售做好准备。   B:很遗憾,我们很难在这个时间交货。我们的生产商已经在全负荷生产。   A:您能让他们加快生产速度吗?   B:这恐怕有点难,由于不断有新订单进来,他们已经一天三班加速生产了。   A:知道了,那你们快什么时候能交货?   B:我们能在10月中旬交货。   A:我们接受这个时间。
    [图片0]   场景表述   Unfortunately, it'll be difficult for us to make a delivery at that time.   很遗憾,我们很难在这个时候交货。
      还可以这样说:   O It's not possible for us to advance the time of shipment.我们无法提前交货。
      对方可能这样回答:   O We have to modify the delivery date then.那样我们就不得不更改交货日期了。
      We can make the delivery by the middle of October.   我们能在10月中旬交货。
      还可以这样说:   O By the middle of July. This is the best we can do. 7月中旬交货。这是我们所能交货的快时间了。
      对方可能这样回答:   O I'm afraid that'll be too late.恐怕那个时间太晚了。