  • 总算懂了推荐产品 英语

      情景会话   A: Hi, I notice that you always order clothes with an ethnic style.   B: Yes, this is one of the main styles in our company.   A: We have many new designs of ethnic style this year. Are you interested in them?   B: Great. Please send me the you mind stating the prices?   A: Of course not. We have happily cooperated with each other over the past few years.   B: Yes. Can I have the same discount as before if I place an order for these new clothes?   A: I can't decide, but I will try to persuade our manager.   B: Thanks a lot. I will tell you whether I will order them or not after taking alook at the pictures.   A: I will wait for your call.
      A:您好,我注意到您总是订购有民族风情的服装。   B:是的,民族风的服装是我们公司的主要款式之一。   A:今年我们有很多新款的民族风服装。您有兴趣吗?   B:太好了,请将图片发给我。您介意说明一下价格吗?   A:当然不介意。我们这些年合作得非常愉快。   B:是的。对于这些新款服装,我可以享受和之前一样的折扣吗?   A:这个我不能做主,但是我会尽力说服我们经理。   B:多谢。看过图片之后,我会告诉您是否订货。   A:我等您的电话。
    [图片0]   场景表述   Are you interested in them?   你有兴趣吗?
      还可以这样说:   O Would you like to have a look?您想要看看吗?   O They are supposed to be suitable for your company.我猜它们适合您的公司。
      对方可能这样回答:   OWow, this is what I'm looking for.哇,这正是我在寻找的(款式)。
      Can I have the same discount as before if I place an order for these new clothes?   对于这些新款服装,我可以享受和之前一样的折扣吗?
      还可以这样说:   O Would you give me the same discount as before concerning this order?关于这份订单,您能给我和之前一样的折扣吗?
      对方可能这样回答:   O Yes, you can.是的,您可以享受和之前一样的折扣。   O Sorry, these are new designs and we can't give you the discount.抱歉,这些是新款,我们无法给您打折。