  • 总算懂了工作经历的英语

      情景会话   A: So, what's your major in university?   B: Marketing, Sir.   A: OK. Have you put what you've learned in school into practice?   B: Yes, I've ever worked in a food factoryfor three years.   A: What have you learned from it?   B: Actually, I'm a lucky dog. What I did in this job was in line with my major. Idealt with the marketing I also did other things, likeapplying for the relevant licenses,which helped me to gain a general idea about our products.   A: You did put your energy into your work, and you are a careful and responsible employee. Congratulations,the job is yours.   B: Thank you very much.
      A:您大学里学的是什么专业?   B:市场营销,先生。   A:您有市场营销方面的工作经验吗?   B:是的,我曾在一家食品厂工作了3年。   A:您从这份工作中学到了些什么?   B:事实上,我很幸运,我的工作和专业息息相关。我负责市场拓展。我也做其他的工作,例如申请相关证书,这帮助我更好地了解我们的产品A:您工作很努力,是个认真负责的好员工。恭喜您,您被录用了。   B:非常感谢。
    [图片0]   场景表述   So, what's your major in university?   您大学里学的是什么专业?
      还可以这样说:   O What did you specialize in?您学的是什么专业?   O Why are you so interested in economics?您为什么对经济学这么感兴趣?
      对方可能这样回答:   O I majored in foreign trade.我主修对外贸易。   O I specialized in international finance.我学的专业是国际金融学。   O I majored in computer science because I enjoyed learning about the most advanced technique.我的专业是计算机,因为我喜欢研究比较先进的技术。
      Have you put what you've learned in school into practice?   您有市场营销方面的工作经验吗?
      还可以这样说:   O What have you learned from the jobs you have ever had?您从之前的工作中学到了些什么?   O Do you have any related experience?您有任何相关经验吗?   OHave you ever done this kind of job before?您以前做过此类工作吗?
      对方可能这样回答:   O I'm experienced in dealing with American clients.我有很多与美国客户打交道的经验。   O I have three years, experience in staff management.我有3年管理员工的经验。   O Although I have no experience in this field, I'm willing to learn.虽然在这方面我没有经验,但是我愿意学习。